Special Powers

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John C. Nash 2023-4-1

In a recent blog post, (“Interest-ing Calculations”) , I mentioned that Canadian mortgages often need the calculation of an effective interest rate that is equivalent to an annual or semi-annual rate. For monthly payments of Canadian mortgages, for instance, the usual (fractional) rate re used to compute the monthly payment for a nominal annual percentage rate R is

re = (1+R/200)(1/6) − 1

Call this Equation 1.

As a percentage, the monthly rate would be 100 * re.

The fractional rate is used in the updating formula, a recurrence relationship that provides the new balance Ai at the end of period (month) i from the previous period balance Ai − 1 when a payment of pi is made. (We may have to specify when the payment is made as part of the contract.)

Ai = rounded(Ai − 1*(1+re)−pi)

where rounded() should be a function returning the balance to the nearest cent or other smallest unit of currency. We use should because some institutions may use different rounding rules. Usually we want the payment to be the same across periods, i.e., pi = p, but by allowing it to be variable, we can include balloon payments or other conditions. We could also consider variation in the effective rate, since the same formula applies to variable rate loans.

Computing the effective rate

In most modern computing languages, we can find the effective rate by applying the formula for re above. This relies on the computing environment having a good approximation for the power function. xy = pow(x,y). Such approximations are a difficult and detailed science. Some references are given at the end. (Muller (2006), William J. Cody, Jr. and William Waite (1980), Crenshaw (2000)). Fortunately, most modern computing systems, including R, do a good job.

In our present situation, we have a quite special case.

First, we are (usually) dealing with a value of R that is in the range 0 to 25. Even 25% annual interest has been extreme, though in the early 1980s I had to calculate a mortgage table for 21%. This means that we are trying to compute, for example, 1.115(1/6). This means there is the possibility of using table lookup, possibly with interpolation between values on the table. We won’t explore that further here, but it can be a very useful technique when the range of inputs is restricted.

Second, we generally have exponents that are reciprocals of integers. In the example we want the 1/6 power. This suggests that we can rewrite Equation 1 as

(1+re)6 = (1+R/200)


f(re) = (1+re)6 − (1+R/200) = 0

which defines a root-finding problem. R has the function uniroot() in the stats package of the distributed code that solves this problem. There is also unirootR() in the extended-precision package Rmpfr (Maechler (2023)).

Third, we are computing the power of a binomial, and indeed, a particular form of a binomial. Writing x = R/200, and assuming the exponent a is non-integer, we have the Taylor-McLaurin expansion

(1 + x)a = sum{i=1}infinity {Fi} = 1 + x*a + x2* a * (a-1)/2 + …

where F0 = 1 and

Fi + 1 = x * Fi * (ai)/i .

This binomial expansion approach has the added nicety that we can drop the 1 from the summation, avoiding a cancellation of digits when the resulting re is small.

Prerequisite integer powers function

For the root-finding method, we need to be able to compute integer powers of real (i.e. floating-point) numbers. Clearly one algorithm is

naipwr <- function(a, n){ # naive power algorithm a^n, n integer
   val <- 1
   for (i in 1:n) { val <- val * a}

This has (for this algorithm), n multiplications, though we could also do

naipwr1 <- function(a, n){  # naive power algorithm a^n, n integer
   val <- a
   if (n > 1){
   for (i in 1:(n-1)) { val <- val * a}

Neither of these codes have checks on the value of n that would be needed for a general-purpose function. However, such checks are sometimes costly of time. If we can be sure inappropriate inputs are never provided, we can omit the checks and outputs, and these have been suppressed by commenting them out.

It is possible to do fewer multiplications, and various workers have explored this. (See, for example, https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~dwharder/Algorithmic_thinking/Integer_powers/ or https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/write-a-c-program-to-calculate-powxn/).

An R implementation of a “fast” power function is as below. Note that this is still not “optimal” in that in many cases it uses more than the absolute minimum number of multiplications.

fastpow <- function(x, n){
  #  if (! is.integer(n)) stop("MUST have integer power")
  res <- 1.0
  tn <- n # temporary n
  tx <- x
  while (tn > 0){
    #    cat("tn, tx:",tn," ",tx)
    #    readline("  OK?")
    if ((tn %% 2) != 0){
      res <- res * tx
      tn <- tn - 1
    tn <- tn/2
    tx <- tx*tx

Let us see if there is much difference in the timings and outputs of these codes.

a = 1.1
n = 57
pR <- a^n
pf <- fastpow(a, n)
pn <- naipwr(a,n)
pn1 <- naipwr1(a,n)
dfR <- pf-pR
dnR <- pn-pR
dn1R <- pn1-pR
dfn <- pf-pn
dfn1 <- pf-pn1
dnn1 <- pn-pn1
cat("pf = ",pf,"\n")

## pf =  228.7616

cat("Differences: pf from pR, pn, pn1:", dfR, dfn, dfn1,"\n")

## Differences: pf from pR, pn, pn1: -1.421085e-13 0 0

cat("Differences: pn from pR, pn1:", dnR, dnn1,"\n")

## Differences: pn from pR, pn1: -1.421085e-13 0

cat("Differences: pn1 from pR:", dn1R,"\n")

## Differences: pn1 from pR: -1.421085e-13


## Timings


## Unit: nanoseconds
##  expr min  lq   mean median  uq  max neval
##   a^n 120 130 182.07    130 131 5170   100


## Unit: microseconds
##          expr   min    lq    mean median     uq    max neval
##  naipwr(a, n) 1.783 1.884 2.04996  1.923 2.0585 10.289   100


## Unit: microseconds
##           expr   min    lq    mean median     uq    max neval
##  naipwr1(a, n) 1.813 1.894 2.13817 1.9285 2.0835 12.774   100


## Unit: microseconds
##           expr   min    lq    mean median    uq    max neval
##  fastpow(a, n) 1.583 1.613 2.52578 2.0385 2.981 16.802   100

This little trial suggests - the internal functions (which are pre-compiled in C and not using the R interpreter) do very well on speed and are almost certainly accurate enough for our needs - the fastpow() function is marginally faster than the naive methods, as we expect

We also tried compiling the codes using the compiler package (R Core Team (2023)), but the results were essentially the same.

Effective rate via rootfinding

Let us use uniroot to find the effective rate. Here are a pair of small functions to do this.

mpow <- function(x, m=NA, rate=NA){ # Note rate is passed from environment, as is m
  fastpow((1+x), m)-1-rate
mroot <- function(m, rate, tol=1e-16){# use rootfinding to get fractional rate for 1/m period
  xx <- uniroot(f=mpow, lower=0, upper=1+2*rate, tol=tol, m=m, rate=rate)
  attr(res, "fval") <- xx$f.root
  attr(res, "iter") <- xx$iter
  attr(res, "prec") <- xx$estim.prec
mrootdisp <- function(vmroot){
   cat("root =",vmroot," fval=",attr(vmroot,"fval")," iter=",attr(vmroot,"iter"),
        "  prec=",attr(vmroot,"prec"),"\n")

Some notes:

  • uniroot wants a function of 1 argument for which it will find the root, but we have to provide the rate (e.g., for 6 months, as a fraction) and the number of periods n (e.g., 6). We put these arguments in the extra or “dot arguments” at the end of the call. This is one aspect of uniroot that I find awkward.

  • I have noticed that a tight tolerance tol is needed. This is much smaller than the default. Otherwise the results are not as precise as they can be. The default is tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25 or 0.0001220703 = 1.220703e-4

  • we return the number of iterations and the final function value. This value is the evaluated function of which we want the root. It should be very close to zero.

Let us test this.

m <- 6
rate <- 0.1
mrootdisp(mroot(m, rate))

## root = 0.01601187  fval= 3.053113e-16  iter= 12   prec= 5.551115e-17

mrootdisp(mroot(m, rate, tol=1e-4))

## root = 0.01602186  fval= 6.489569e-05  iter= 9   prec= 5e-05

mrootdisp(mroot(m, rate, tol=1e-8))

## root = 0.01601187  fval= -6.773609e-12  iter= 11   prec= 5e-09

mrootdisp(mroot(m, rate, tol=1e-12))

## root = 0.01601187  fval= 3.053113e-16  iter= 12   prec= 5.000063e-13

mrootdisp(mroot(m, rate, tol=1e-16))

## root = 0.01601187  fval= 3.053113e-16  iter= 12   prec= 5.551115e-17

mrootdisp(mroot(m, rate, tol=1e-20))

## root = 0.01601187  fval= 3.053113e-16  iter= 15   prec= 1.040834e-17

Effective rate via binomial expansion

We implement the binomial expansion via a recurrence relation and sum the expansion until there is no change. The code allows us to save the sequence of terms, which could be summed “backwards” for best accuracy when the terms are diminishing.

# binex.R -- binomial expansion of (1+x)^a (a likely fractional)
binex <- function(x, a, nt=100){
  # load nt terms starting with i=1 (implicit 1 at i=0)
   trm <- rep(0,nt)
   T <- 1
   S <- 0
   Slast <- -1
   i <- 1
   while( (i <= 100) && (S != Slast) ){
      ii <- i-1
      T <- T*(a - ii)*x/i
      Slast <- S
      S <- S + T
      i <- i + 1
   res <- list(trm=trm, S = S, itn = i)

# test
m <- 6
a <- 1/m
x <- 0.1 # rate above
res <- binex(x, a)
r <- sum(res$trm)
rx <- (1+x)^a - 1
cat("a=",a,"  x=",x,"  r=",r,"  rx=",rx,"  S=",res$S,"\n")

## a= 0.1666667   x= 0.1   r= 0.01601187   rx= 0.01601187   S= 0.01601187


We have a choice of methods to compute the effective per-period rate when there are conditions such as those for Canadian mortgages where the monthly rate must be “equivalent to” the semiannual one. It turns out that all these approaches are satisfactory for R.


Crenshaw, Jack. 2000. Math Toolkit for Real-Time Programming (1st Ed.). CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781482296747.

Maechler, Martin. 2023. Rmpfr: R MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Rmpfr.

Muller, Jean-Michel. 2006. Elementary Functions - Algorithms and Implementation (2. Ed.). Birkhäuser.

R Core Team. 2023. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. https://www.R-project.org/.

William J. Cody, Jr. and William Waite. 1980. Software Manual for the Elementary Functions. Prentice Hall.

Written on April 1, 2023